1k Beyond The Whiteboard


I hit 1,000 workouts posted on Beyond The Whiteboard. Kind of unbelievable if you ask me. I’ve got a lot of folks to thank for keeping me motivated, and committed. Namely my 7AM crew, the trainers at HyperFit USA (a.k.a. CrossFit Ann Arbor), my family and friends, but I have to give a tremendous amount of credit to Beyond The Whiteboard. I don’t know why I care so much about that little lightening bolt, but I do. I watch my Fitness Level like a hawk. It used to be the first thing I would check Monday mornings when the updates would run, but now it runs in real time… which is both good and bad :)

Watching my level climb from 1 to 41 (or TIGER level!) has been awesome. It’s been about 2.5 years since I started CrossFit, and Beyond The Whiteboard has given me a detailed record of the progress.

What is pretty amazing is that over the course of 2 and half years, my Fitness Curve has been on more or less the same upward path. It has taken little dips here and there, but the trend can’t be ignored. I think that speaks a lot to the programming at HyperFit, and I like seeing the results plotted this, makes me more convinced HyperFit’s approach to CrossFit is spot on.

I love data (seriously, it’s what I do for a living) and I am so happy to have Beyond The Whiteboard tracking and packaging it up in such a fun and motivating way. And as I say often at work: data and analytics without optimization is pointless, and Beyond The Whiteboard tells me where I’m falling behind, so I can optimize my extra time to hit my weaknesses and ensure a balanced progression.

If you aren’t using Beyond The Whiteboard, start right now.

Attacking Weaknesses in CrossFit