CrossFit Culture



Today we did Nate  (named after Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed February 4th during combat operations in Iraq.)  It’s a bit of a beast, 20 minute AMRAP of Muscle Ups (2),  Handstand  Push Ups (4), American KB Swings, 2 pood (8).  or in my case, mod (2), mod (4), swings (8).  Then we did some strength (BSQTs) for good measure.

I ended up doing the 6AM class today, since I woke up at 4:45AM and was unable to get back to sleep and figured might as well make the best of it.  This afforded me the opportunity to take my time stretching (see below for my after WOD routine) out after the WOD, which was nice.  So I grabbed a stopwatch and started to get set up, and my buddy saw me grab the stop watch and wandered over.

My buddy and I had a nice little chat, got caught up, but there was clearly something on his mind.  After our little small talk, he’s leans in and is like, “so, hey, whacha doin’ with the stopwatch?” all excited to maybe get in on something new and cool.  I sadly offered up that I was just gonna do some stretching, and he was totally disappointed. Even though it was a let down, it’s a pretty awesome example of the CrossFit / HyperFit culture.   We just banged out a solid 60 minutes of work, and he was just looking for more fun.

For the record, I got in an excellent round of stretching, and he did Tabata L-Sit holds on the parallel bars.  Everybody ended up winning.

Here’s my stretching routine:

Hold each position for 30 seconds (use a stopwatch or interval timer, make sure you hold 30 seconds!)

  1. Stand up straight and touch your toes
  2. Stand up straight, cross right foot over the left
  3. Stand up straight, cross left foot over right
  4. Stand up straight, move your feet apart, touch the ground where your feet would be if they were together
  5. Slide your hands to your right foot
  6. Slide your hands to your left foot
  7. Sit down, keep your left leg out and place the bottom of your right foot flat against your inner left thigh and touch your left toes
  8. Switch feet, right leg out and place the bottom of your left foot flat against your inner right thigh and touch your right toes
  9. Stay seated, step your right foot over left knee so your right foot is flat on the ground and pull your right knee into your chest
  10. Switch feet, step your left foot over right knee so your left foot is flat on the ground and pull your left knee into your chest
  11. Stand up, bring your right arm across your body and bring your left arm up so your elbows are stacked, your right arm is straight out and your left arm is bent so your hand is straight up (you will look like you are about to flip someone off if you are doing this right), keep your head straight up and try to push your right shoulder down
  12. Switch arms, bring your left arm across your body and bring your right arm up so your elbows are stacked, your left arm is straight out and your right arm is bent so your hand is straight up, keep your head straight up and try to push your left shoulder down
  13. Stay standing, extend your right arm over your head, bend at the elbow and walk your right hand down the center of your back, keeping your head up straight, you may assist by putting pressure on your right elbow with your left hand
  14. Switch arms, extend your left arm over your head, bend at the elbow and walk your left hand down the center of your back, keeping your head up straight, you may assist by putting pressure on your left elbow with your right hand