[Guest Post] Fitness While Traveling – Squeezing Fitness Into a Busy Itinerary

Here is another guest post from one of my readers.  Mike wanted to share some thoughts around maintaining a healthy lifestyle while traveling.  Speaking as someone who has logged over 150,000 frequent flyer miles in single year, I can attest that travel places a huge burden on accomplishing your fitness and health goals.  It is so important to find a way, even though it is so easy to find an excuse.  I hope this post helps you stay motivated to stay healthy on the road!

San Francisco Airport Yoga RoomBusy professionals concerned with remaining fit while traveling must focus on discipline and planning to reach their fitness goals. Without discipline and planning, it is hard for a person to stick to any type of regimen. Following these traveling tips will give the person the tools needed to stick to one’s fitness routine while on the road.

Staying healthy on the road is hard when people are forced to eat out at local restaurants often. Since cooking isn’t usually something the average professional can handle on the road, the person can try researching the area to get an idea of the healthiest restaurants nearby. Checking out the restaurants close to the location and skimming through the menus will make it easy to plan meals well ahead of time. [Jason’s note: I use VegOut to find good restaurants while traveling, it’s powered by HappyCow.net, so you know it’s good]

When it comes to catering to the healthy traveler, airports are getting on board. Many airports are adding all sorts of amenities to cater to the health conscious crowd. For example, the San Francisco International airport has added a new yoga room for its patrons. Airports like the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport have created walking paths in several concourses. The Los Angeles International Airport has added a golf course and a yoga room for its travelers.

Traveling causes stress and jet lag for some business travelers, which causes the serotonin levels to become depleted. Taking HTP supplements can balance the serotonin levels out. Tablets are taken twice daily with food and helps one catch up on sleep. The person awakens refreshed with a clear mind and is able to remain alert.

Planning ahead can help one remain on track in reaching all personal fitness goals. Make sure to do some research before booking a hotel in order to get the best out of the trip. On my most recent trip to San Francisco I was able to book a hotel where I could get in my early morning workouts. I did this by checking through a travel reviews site called Gogobot. Here I could see all of the hotels in San Francisco and look through to see which ones had the right fitness amenities for me. Avid runners can check for nearby trails near lodging while those who prefer a gym can verify that there is one located on the premises. Actually scheduling a workout in between meetings during the downtime may make it more of a commitment for some. Some travelers plan their workouts once they’ve completely mapped out the itinerary.

Staying fit on the road involves making time for workouts, getting the proper amount of sleep, and meal planning. Proper planning affords the busy traveler the opportunity to sneak in a workout with the most demanding of schedules. With planning, most people are able to stay on top of their routine.

Mike Manning is a fitness and healthy living enthusiast. You can read his future posts at http://mikemanningmusings.blogspot.com/


WODs with Integrity

Jason Harper No Rep Pull Up


During the set up for our Murph on Memorial day, instructor Mike, a.k.a. MOB, reminded us that the work out we were about to do was a tribute (see: Murph).  He told us that as such, we should approach the WOD with integrity.  What I took that to mean is be true to the movements.  Technique is always important, and for the Murph, hitting the markers (chin totally over the bar, full squats etc) was even more important.

I’m the first to admit, sometimes my wall balls don’t quite hit as high on the target as they should, or on a thruster I may not get quite to the bottom of my squat on a rep or two here and there.  And for the Murph, I pulled out my No-Rep stick, and it was painful.

I had more no-reps during this WOD than I ever did in any other work out.  Probably just as much a function of the fact it was damn near an hour long for me, but I was watching myself.  It was really painful to not count that pull-up where I had pulled my chin up higher than my forehead, but still just didn’t quite break over the bar.  But, I no-repped more than a couple of those.

When I look back at my time for the Murph this year, I know it was the absolute best I could do, it was legit, and I can be proud I approached it with integrity.  I really appreciated and enjoyed the seriousness that MOB put behind the WOD, and I feel that it translated into a gain for me personally.

My Murph Time: 54:04


There are many men and women to be remembered, thanked and loved for their service to our our country and the gift they and their family gave to us and ours.

I look forward to being a small part of the CrossFit community as we remember and honor Lt. Michael P. Murphy this Memorial Day. I can’t fathom the situation he chose to be in, nor the course of action he chose once he was living it.

Thank you Murph for all you gave for all of us.

Medal of Honor Citation:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life and above and beyond the call of duty as the leader of a special reconnaissance element with Naval Special Warfare task unit Afghanistan on 27 and 28 June 2005.
While leading a mission to locate a high-level anti-coalition militia leader, Lieutenant Murphy demonstrated extraordinary heroism in the face of grave danger in the vicinity of Asadabad, Kunar Province, Afghanistan. On 28 June 2005, operating in an extremely rugged enemy-controlled area, Lieutenant Murphy’s team was discovered by anti-coalition militia sympathizers, who revealed their position to Taliban fighters. As a result, between 30 and 40 enemy fighters besieged his four member team. Demonstrating exceptional resolve, Lieutenant Murphy valiantly led his men in engaging the large enemy force. The ensuing fierce firefight resulted in numerous enemy casualties, as well as the wounding of all four members of the team. Ignoring his own wounds and demonstrating exceptional composure, Lieutenant Murphy continued to lead and encourage his men. When the primary communicator fell mortally wounded, Lieutenant Murphy repeatedly attempted to call for assistance for his beleaguered teammates. Realizing the impossibility of communicating in the extreme terrain, and in the face of almost certain death, he fought his way into open terrain to gain a better position to transmit a call. This deliberate, heroic act deprived him of cover, exposing him to direct enemy fire. Finally achieving contact with his headquarters, Lieutenant Murphy maintained his exposed position while he provided his location and requested immediate support for his team. In his final act of bravery, he continued to engage the enemy until he was mortally wounded, gallantly giving his life for his country and for the cause of freedom. By his selfless leadership, Lieutenant Murphy reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Murph Hero WOD
(F.K.A. ‘Body Armor’)
With 20# Weight Vest:
Run 1 mile
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 mile

Guess Who Else is Playing CrossFit?


Sean Payton NFL CrossFit New Orleans Saints

“The high-intensity CrossFit workouts that helped Payton get into the best physical shape of his life have inspired a new approach to the Saints’ offseason workout program.”

I think it’s great that Sean found CrossFit, thinks so much of it that he is bringing it his work… seems like a good idea to me!!



CrossFit Live with Kelly and Michael

CrossFit Kelly and Michael with Megan May


I have my DVR set to auto-record “CrossFit” which usually means highlights from the 2012 CrossFit games on ESPN, but today it had Live with Kelly and Michael in there. So I have to admit, I was intrigued.  I guess they are doing a week long fitness challenge and today was CrossFit day.  It was kinda fun watching them do box jumps and kettle bell swings.  And they both seemed pretty gassed after the 2 minute “WOD”.

Megan May was the instructor, if you could call it that.  Given the nature of the show, there wasn’t much time for instruction, which makes me question the push for American Swings, but Kelly was blasting them out (8kg) with no trouble, and Michael busted out a 30″ box jump, but I would expect that a former NFL player wouldn’t have much trouble with jumping.

They have the video posted up on their site here: http://livekellyandmichael.dadt.com/features/themed/fitness-week-13/#tabs-25022-0-1



The first thing I do every morning is roll over, grab my phone, load up the Beyond The Whiteboard app and see what the wod is for the day. Yesterday it was Nancy. Run 400m, 15 Overhead Squats (95#), 5 rounds for time. I had done this once before, but I didn’t finish and I didn’t go 95#. But for some reason, I thought I could totally do this Rx. The app was telling me my one rep max on overhead squats is 115, so if I drop 20 off that, I should be great, or so I thought.

During the warm up I realized that 95 was not happening. I was warming up to 85, and decided to drop to 80 for the wod.

About 2/3 of the way through the first set of 15, I pulled off the 2.5 plates and dropped to 75. I would have gone lower but I had put on 15s, so I didn’t have any more easy options. I ended up finishing in waaaay last place for the day, as you can see in the picture, I’m the only on left still doing my squats. I have never failed on so many lifts in a single work out. I must have failed at the bottom of my overhead squat a half dozen times, and an equal amount on the way down.

It’s funny though, as pissed as I was about having to go lighter, dropping down and still finishing last, I think this was one of my best workouts. I got so much out of it. This definitely was the most sustained consistently challenged workout I’ve done in a while.

The last rep was by far the hardest. I failed twice at it. There were at least 5 people standing around me, motivating. My coach is standing there, he said “just do these one rep at a time” when I coughed out that I just had one left, there was quite a bit of chuckling (starting with mine). But I waited a second, visualized that I was going to get it (thanks Shane) approached the bar and got it… Just shy of the 24 minute mark.

[Guest Post] Stay Healthy During Cancer Treatment

Here is a nice article my friend Melanie wrote and asked if I wouldn’t mind sharing on my blog.  [insert ‘these are her views/opinions/advice’ disclaimer here :) ]  She talks about the importance of exercise for people battling cancer.  I’m not a doctor, but it makes really good sense to me.  Keep exercising, keep your system working, keep your immune system going, keep pushing the toxins out.  Seems like a smart strategy for everyone, especially people who are fighting that disease.

Many people are aware of the many benefits that exercise will provide. From reducing stress levels, increasing energy levels, shedding unwanted pounds, and reducing the chances of getting heart disease, exercise plays a vital role in a person’s overall health. Healthcare professionals have always advised people to exercise to reduce their chances of getting cancer; however, if people were diagnosed with cancer, these same healthcare professionals used to advise people to refrain from doing any type of strenuous activity. Since the cancer treatment would take so much energy from them, they were advised to do as little as possible in order to save some of their strength. However, this advisory information has changed today with more and more research. Cancer patients are encouraged to continue to exercise during and after their cancer treatment. Exercise will actually provide them with more energy, muscle strength, and the ability for their bodies to fight off future invading cancer cells.

In contrast to research of the past, cancer patients should exercise to increase their energy levels during cancer treatment. Even though one of the main side effects of chemotherapy and radiation is fatigue, exercise will help to reduce these symptoms. In order to maintain a good quality of life, patients must have energy. As they exercise, their bodies will produce hormones that will allow them to feel better mentally and physically. As a result, patients are more willing to respond positively to their cancer treatment.

Furthermore, research also suggests that patients should try to exercise outside. As opposed to an indoor gym, breathing in fresh air from outdoors will provide more of an energy boost and also reduce the likelihood of infection. Before engaging in any type of fitness routine, it is important that patients discuss their plans with their physicians. The cancer treatment for mesothelioma may be much more aggressive than treatment for other diseases; therefore, patients may not be able to withstand the same vigorous activities as others. However, all patients should talk to their doctor and engage in some type of light to moderate cardio exercises consistently.

Due to the many drugs that will enter the system from the cancer treatment, many patients will develop fragile bones and weak muscles. In order to prevent injuries, it is important to engage in some type of strength training activity. Strength training can be lifting weights or even yoga exercises. As the body begins to get stronger, the chances of experiencing any type of bone fractures will be greatly reduced. Furthermore, as the patients begin to strengthen their muscles, their bodies will be able to handle the many side effects of the treatment better.

Finally, patients should exercise to allow their immune systems to be strengthened. After many weeks and months of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, the immune system will be in a weakened state. With cancer, there is always the possibility of having it return. As patients participate in cardio and strength training exercises, their immune systems’ ability to fight off diseases will be increased.

WODs at Work? Wouldn’t That Be Nice!!

CrossFit at Datalogix with CEO Eric Roza


Whit shared a great NYT.com article with me recently on bringing CrossFit into your work:  http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/31/business/crossfit-offers-an-exercise-in-corporate-teamwork-too.html

What a great way to build real teams.  This has to translate into some long run successes:

There are other, less quantifiable benefits. Karin Eisenmenger, 46, Datalogix’s director of order management and the woman running up the stairs past her panting colleague, says the classes unite people from different departments who might otherwise never meet. “If you can sweat and groan and moan with your co-workers,” she said, “you’ll have no problem working with them in a meeting.”

For only $25,000 per year, I imagine this initiative has a monster return on investment.  Through increased productivity via collaboration and there has to be some major health and morale benefits that pay off to the company.

CROSSFIT is one of many perks at Datalogix, where a range of other options — like self-defense classes and courses in the Java programming language — are available free and in-house. The company’s fitness initiatives, called DLX Fit, cost the company around $25,000 a year, Mr. Roza said. A majority of that goes toward CrossFit.

Well done Datalogix!

1 year of CrossFit at HyperFit USA

CrossFit Ann Arbor HyperFit USA Results


March 28th is my CrossFit birthday. I turn 1 today. I guess that means I can officially no longer play the newbie card. Even though I still feel like I just walked in the door for the first time.

It’s interesting how this experience still feels so new. Every time I walk into HyperFit I’m excited to see what they have in store for us. By now, the luster should have worn off, but it hasn’t. I’m just as pumped up about going in now as I was 12 months ago. I’ve logged over 250 workouts, and I’m not bored. Not at all.

Along those lines, I’m still making progress. Measurable progress. If you are looking at beginning CrossFit, just do it. Give it a month and see for yourself. As I’ve said many times, this isn’t for everyone, but it is for me.

Big thanks to all the people that make it awesome. Thanks to Doug for putting this together and assembling the perfect mix of trainers in MOB, Steve and even Jeff. Big thanks for keeping me motivated to Lexi, Whitney, Lee, Craig and everyone else at HyperFit. And of course, huge thanks to Colleen, Bob, Mike, Baylen and the rest of the 7:30 crew, getting up shortly after 6AM every day is a little easier knowing I’m not alone!

And lastly, this would not have happened were it not for my former classmate, Chris. I owe you big time buddy. Thanks for the recommendation.


CrossFit Games Wallballs


You would think it would be impossible to stand 18 inches from a wall, throw a medicine ball at it, and miss.  But alas, not only is it possible to miss, it’s repeatable.  At least it was for me on Friday.  My goal for reps for the CrossFit Open 13.3 was 151.  I thought I could get through 150 wallballs, and have a minute or two to get one double under.  Well, I landed at 138 reps when time ran out.  I think this was the first time I was ever disappointed with a WOD.  I know I am still recovering from an illness that took me out of action for 6 weeks, but I didn’t expect to be put that far behind in my wallballs.

The good news is that there are always more WODs.  Like Griff yesterday.  After running a half-mile backwards, and enjoying it, it helped to wash away the sting from getting my butt kicked the day before.  And now, I am extra motivated for Karen next time she shows up.  And I know she is going to show up.

All that aside, the CrossFit Open 13.3 was the first time I ever felt like I lost while playing this sport.  Losing sucks, and I don’t want to lose, even if it’s just against myself.