GoRuck Light

GoRuck Log Carry


Last Saturday was a perfect Trifecta.  It was my birthday, U of M played and defeated Notre Dame, and it started at 4:45AM when I woke up for GoRuck Light 090 in Detroit.  I have done a couple of these challenges now, Tough Mudder and Merrill Down and Dirty, and now GoRuck.  GoRuck is different.  Very different.

Tough Mudder and Down & Dirty are your ‘standard’ mud run meets obstacle course. You basically run, then climb over or duck under something, then run some more… in Tough Mudder’s case you get zapped or frozen as well.  You will help lift a buddy, cheer someone on, give out a lot of fist bumps and pats on the back.

The difference is that in these obstacle courses you move as a group, while in GoRuck, you move as a team.  The psychological exercise is much more significant than the physical during GoRuck.  I found myself much more focused more on the people and rucks in front of me, beside me, and behind me than I did myself.  Right out of the gate we fell into a formation, and in two lines lunge stepped/bear crawled/crab walked 1.2 miles, keeping close with the person in front of us.  Your pace was not dictated by your ability, but on that of the person in front of you.  If you slowed down, you slowed down up to 30 people behind you, and if you sped up, you just left up to 30 people behind.  You are not moving as an individual, you are moving as a team.

This went on for a little over 6 hours.  Bags never touched the ground, if you needed a break, there were 72 teammates eager to carry your bag for you while you rested up.  If you were rested you volunteered to carry one of the team weights (sandbags).  It may sound cheesy, but it was a little bit of an honor to carry one for our last leg, and I didn’t want to give it up once I got it.

We ran, we crawled, we carried wood, and had a damn good time doing it.

If there is any question about if I really enjoyed my ruck around the D, 48 hours after it ended, I signed up for the GoRuck Challenge in Ann Arbor.  I want my GRT patch!

We had some super nice folks tagging along and taking pictures, here are several of the pictures from GoRuck Light – Detroit!

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Karen Benchmark WOD

I finally did it!  I have been after Karen for well over a year now, and I finally got her done!

For those that have not yet had fun with Karen, she is plain and simple:

150 Wall Balls for time 20 pound for guys, 14 for girls and our time cap is 10 minutes

My first attempt at Karen was about a year ago, time capped at 110 reps with a 14 pound med ball.  Second attempt was 10 months ago, time capped at 120 reps with a 20 pound ball.  My next attempt stopped 8 short, which was BRUTAL, 142 reps with the 20 pounder.  I had to sit on that score for 7 months before Karen popped up again on my schedule.  I was not about to not finish this this time.  I was so pumped for it, i was damn near giddy at go time.  Not only did I finish, but I finished in under 9 minutes!!  8:51 to be exact, and that was with a few no reps (as you can see in the pic, Dan was there to make sure this was legit.

To me, this is what CrossFit is all about.  It’s a game.  It’s fun.  It’s motivating.  And I can’t wait to try this again and see if I can break 8:30!!



400th WOD

Beyond The Whiteboard


I hit a minor milestone yesterday, I logged my 400th session on BeyondTheWhiteboard.com.

Here are the stats:

  • 400 sessions
  • 43 pounds of weight loss
  • 91 benchmarks set
  • 115 pounds added to Over Head Squat (started failing with a PVC pipe)
  • 1 Murph completed Rx in under an hour
  • 7 CrossFit Boxes attended


I have also moved from going 2-3 days a week to only taking Sunday’s off.

If you aren’t using Beyond The Whiteboard to track your progress, you are missing out.


Burpee Into The Poo

Burpee Over the Cone and Into the Poo

For the past few months a group of us have been meeting at County Farm Park Tuesdays and Thursdays for an outside workout (7:15AM, come join us if you like!)  Today we had a nice warm up, modified Cindy using playground equipment, then we did our WOD.  3 agility runs, then 12 Burpees over an object of your choosing (I went cone) take 3 laps for time.

Things started off fine, but I forgot the most important rule of CrossFit, check your landing zone for poo.  About 3 burpees into the first round, I landed and immediately could tell that something was off.  Looked at my right hand and yep, that squish I felt was a nice little pile of dog poo.  The problem was what to do?  I have poo all over my hand and in between my fingers, but I’m like 2 minutes into this WOD.  So, I wiped off my hand as well as I could on the grass, adjusted my landing zone, and went back at it.  The WOD must go on, right?

I’m chalking this up to preparing for the unknown and unknowable.  I learned a valuable lesson, always check the ground before you burpee!



Kicks In The Groin Hurt For A WHILE

Back Squat Groin Hurty


Maybe it’s because I haven’t really sprinted since I was in High School, but holy F*CK my legs are still sore from last week.  My groin area on both legs is still super sore.  I’ve been stretching them out every day, and that is incredibly uncomfortable, and doesn’t seem to be doing much other than torture myself for a few minutes.

The most difficult part, aside from walking or getting up out of bed, is squatting.  And in case you are new to CrossFit, there are usually a few squats in the workouts.  Like last week, we did back squats two days after the sprints (as seen above).  Finding the bottom of my squat has never been this uncomfortable.  I thought I’d be fine by today for sure, but not even close.  And today, there were a few squats, actually, over 60 in the warm up, then 100 back squats in the work out, oh and a 1 mile run and some push presses for good measure.  The run was uncomfortable, but manageable, the push presses were fine, but mother f*ck*r the bottom of those back squats felt like there was some little man down there, stabbing me with screwdrivers in my inner thighs, which forced me to shoot up early, and get yelled at by Koski to go deeper.

The insult to injury came, when the 30 minute clock ran out, and I still had 15 to go.  I got to stop, get in the group shot, then walk back to the bar and finish up while (most) everyone else was putting their gear away.  The plus side, is that misery does in fact love company.  Phil was right there with me, suffering the same fate from the sprints.  So we both finished in OT, and that made me feel just a little better.

Surprise Kick In The ____ Workout

Sandbag Run


Some workouts are obvious.  Carrying a sandbag for distance and time, that’s gonna suck.  Thrusters, they are going to suck.  Then there are workouts like we did today.  Seemed just like 15 minutes of fun:

Sprint 100 meters every minute for 15 minutes.

That’s it.  We did some OHS before hand, but pretty easy day.  By round 3 I could barely catch my breath, by round 8 I was doubled over, gasping, drooling and closing in on puking.  I was able to hold off the puke, but my right hammy will never be the same after finishing.

Total sneak attack WOD today!

Swimming At the Games

I love that the Games incorporates swimming into the intro session.  This year seems like it will be better for most folks than the open water swim, but those wet hands for a bar muscle up scare me.

That being said…I totally need a pull up rig at the end of my pool.  Squat rack at one end and pull up rig at the other, that’s what’s been missing!

AbMat Ass, Butt or Rash


I spent last week down in Sea Island, Georgia (http://www.seaisland.com/).  It was awesome, the resort was fabulous, and I got to play a round of golf at the Sea Side course at Sea Island (http://www.seaisland.com/golf/best-golf-courses) which according to their propaganda is the #4 ranked course in the country.  Now, I golf about once a year, so after I chopped my way around, we can assume that ranking came down at least a few.

In addition to golf, the resort had an amazing gym.  I had my doubts when the bellhop explained to me that they set it up so that if an NFL player came to visit, they could get a good workout.  I thought “yea right”.  Turns out, he was pretty right.  Ton’s of machines, but also a really nice area with free weights including bars and dumbbells and some room to work.  I was able to get in two days of solid work right there.  But that was not good enough for me.  I needed to get in some CrossFit tourism.  Enter CrossFit Grit.

CrossFit Grit Sea Island Georgia


First the good.  I made it over to the 4:30 wod, and there were a few folks hanging around the box.  Each one of them came over individually and introduced themselves.  Asked where I was from, what brought me there, etc.  They seemed to all take a very sincere interest in getting to know me.  I was really impressed.  CrossFit Las Vegas was super friendly, but this was over the top.  I could tell this was going to be a good drop in, at least from the people perspective.

The warm up was a little different than I was used to, totally on your own, although the instructor (I think he name was Nate, but that may have been the guy I spoke to on the phone, but I’m gonna call him Nate now) had to deciphered their warm up codes and demo for me… and then we did some front squats (5×2 at 80% one rep max) which was also on our own.  Nate was a little more hands off than I’m used to.  HyperFit usually does some demo work and instruction, but it was just front squats, so it was fine.  Nate did jump in and help quite a bit with another guy who needed some more hands on instruction, so that all worked out just fine.

Now the wod:

AbMat Ass AbMat Butt AbMat Rash
10 Rounds for time
15 AbMat Sit Ups
9 Air Squats
6 Hand Release Push Ups
400m “Cash Out”

So all good, aside from a little trepidation at the 400m in 90+ degrees and 108% humidity.  I finished in about 16 minutes.  3rd place in class (there were 3 people in class).  Everything was going just fine on drive back to the hotel.  Then I jumped in the shower.  It honestly felt like I was getting stung by 800 bees when the water hit my butt.

I jumped out of the shower, looked in the mirror, and saw two silver dollar sized patches of road rash back there.  The skin was all gone.  It hurt like hell. I wasn’t really sure what to do, but I assumed it needed to be clean, and washing it with soap was about as awesome as it sounds.

The next day I was giving a series of presentations, and therefore I was in my fancy clothes.  I had a car taking me to the airport right from the meetings, and I had set up a change of clothes, which I navigated in the back seat.  When I pulled off my dress shirt I could see that I had this weird stain on the back shirt tail.  I quickly realized that I had bled through my drawers to my shirt.  It was a semi circle 6 to 8″ in size.  And my reward for discovering it, was a flight from Jacksonville to Atlanta, then another one from Atlanta to Detroit.  So uncomfortable.  Those airplane seats never felt so thin.

Here I am 5 days later.  I have two matching scabs, each about the size of a half dollar.  Sitting in my desk chair is terribly uncomfortable.  This AbMat Ass, or AbMat Butt or AbMat Rash or what ever you want to call it, is not the type of souvenir I had planned on bringing home.

I’m really not sure how I’m supposed to prevent this from happening.  I was told a good cheat is to slide the mat down your butt so that you are sitting on the mat.  Not the right way to do an AbMat, but might help.  I also read doing the AbMats on a yoga mat would work, which I’m trying to figure out how to navigate that in the long run.  Just keep a yoag mat handy at all times?

And yes, I wrote most of this standing up ;)

Tough Mudder

Michigan Tough Mudder


I ran the Michigan Tough Mudder event on June 30th.  It was awesome.  While we didn’t break any course records for time, I was definitely near the top of the “Mud Consumed per Obstacle” charts.

For anyone not familiar with Tough Mudder, here’s a brief intro:

I felt this was my first true test of my year of CrossFit training, and I have to say, it seems to have paid off.  I had only two issues.  First, the running.  The back half of the course was long, and had long distances between many of the obstacles.  I had never ran more than 2 miles or so in one day.  basically Murph is the longest I ever run.  And 12 miles is just f-ing far.  So I ended up doing a mix of run/jog/walk for the second half.

The second issue, and the bigger one, was all mental.  Every one of these obstacles is more than doable, but my brain kept getting in the way.  I would freak myself out, sometimes for good reason, other times not so much.  On the Boa Constrictor obstacle, as you near the bottom, you are forced to get your mouth and nose under the water, and I was not ready for that shock.  My mind went into “you are drowning” mode, and I had to back up a foot or two (in the tube) to collect myself before I could shut my brain off long enough to muscle down into the water.  And the reward for that, was having to do it going up the other side.  That was rough on my brain.

The Funky Monkey also got me.  The bars near the platform were very slick from all the mud and water from previous people’s attempts.  So as soon as I got going, my brain said “there’s no way you can do this”, and I had that in my head as I started across.  I think I made it about a third of the way, and after those first few bars, they were no longer slick, as not that many people made it that far, but my brain kept telling me “you’re gonna drop after this one”.  I needed to get myself to shut the F up and just attack this thing.  This is the only obstacle I wish I had back, and is a big part of my motivation to get out there and do this whole damn thing again.

These mental challenges were something I had thought about going in, and was hoping to make some gains here.  And I think the Tough Mudder really paid off.  I definitely feel stronger for having done this.  Learning CrossFit at HyperFit definitely has helped my mental toughness…doing Kettlebell Thrusters is no joke, but it’s nothing like this type of an event.  It’s also strangely addicting.  The day after Tough Mudder, I signed up for GoRuck Light.  Who’s with me???

I Can’t Clean 155

Jason Harper Clean HyperFit CrossFit Ann Arbor


This morning we did a “Pause Clean” progression, which meant as you start your clean, you pause in position 2 (barbell at the knees) for a full 1 second count before you proceed to ‘explode’.  I have to say, this was one of the best working techniques to get me to thinking about exploding to full extension with my hips and shrugging with my shoulders. I’m not saying I was able to actually do that every time, but at least I was thinking about it.

We did 30 of them EMOTM and I was able to load up pretty well.  I was able to hit several at 135 pounds, and even got a few in at 145, which is my clean PR that I just set last week.  Since things were going well enough, I decided to take a couple shots at 155.  Not even close.  I think I have the physical ability to pull it off, but my brain said “OH SHIT” as soon as I went to explode with the hips, and my brain then sent an impulse out to my hands… “LET GO NOW”.  I took 2 attempts, and same result.  2 fails.

I’m a little pissed I didn’t get 155 up, but I’m hoping I can use that to convince myself to jump under it next time.

And then there’s this guy, showing us all how its done… fast elbows and all!