Beginner CrossFit WODs

Looking for more beginner CrossFit style workouts? I’ve set up a gym on, feel free to sign up (select HarperFit as your gym) and you can workout and track your progress along with my team… and it’s free!

I have received several requests for beginner CrossFit WOD’s. I still think the best thing you can do is go to your local CrossFit Affiliate and get started. But, if you really want to just get started at home, or maybe you don’t have a local CrossFit Affiliate, here’s my best effort.

Below are a few, solid workouts that I do when I can’t make it to the gym. These are great for me when I’m traveling, and work well to do CrossFit in a hotel room or hotel gym. If you have no experience working out, make sure you check with your doctor first.

Big thanks to Whitney for sharing these with me!

A few tricks:

  1. Warm up. Run for 5 minutes, do some jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, burpees, mountain climbers, move your body for at least 8-10 minutes before you start any work out. Get your joints moving, get sweating. Do not start these cold.
  2. Keep a record of how you did on each work out. Write it down, use (pay) or (free) post it in the comments on this page. Record it, and track your progress.
  3. Focus on learning the form for each movement. If you don’t know what it is, ask a CrossFit instructor, or hit up YouTube if you can’t.
  4. Attack them. Modify them to your ability (time/reps/rounds), and attack it.

1) Baseline
Record time.
500m row (or 400m run)
40 air squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups (knee for mod)
10 burpees

2) Tabata Workout
Record total reps.
20 seconds on/10 seconds off 8 rounds each of:
Air Squats
Push Ups
Sit ups
Optional 4th movement:

3) Every Minute On The Minute (EMOTM) 20 rounds
Record total reps.
5 Dips (mod doing on a chair)
5 Burpees

4) Escalating/Descalating WOD
Record time.
50 push ups
20 air squats
40 push ups
40 air squats
30 push ups
60 air squats
20 push ups
80 air squats
10 push ups
100 air squats

5) Cindy
Record rounds.
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

6) Body-weight Gone Bad
Record total reps.
3 rounds:
1 min air squats
1 min push ups
1 min sit ups
1 min burpees
1 min jumping jacks
1 min REST

7) Cindy with no pull up bar
Record rounds.
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
5 burpees
10 push ups
15 air squats

8) 21-15-9
Record time.
21 Dips
21 leg lifts
21 jump squats
15 Dips
15 leg lifts
15 jump squats
9 Dips
9 leg lifts
9 jump squats

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